Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Top Five Sources of News and Information

Top 5 Sources of News and Information:

I read the Daily Mail online. It is very easy to access because its articles come up on Snapchat which I use often. I like reading the articles in Daily Mail because there's a good mix of celebrity news and gossip as well as national or global important news. I don't think Daily Mail is 100% accurate so when I am reading I usually will look it up somewhere else as well to make sure it is accurate. I would recommend this source to people who don't read the news very often because it's easy and entertaining. 

I listen to NPR when I'm in the car. It's one of the only radio stations I still listen to. I started listening to NPR because my parents would listen to it. I like this source of news because I can listen to the news rather than read an article. I also like NPR because it is very liberal. I would recommend this source to people who are liberal and would rather listen to the news than read it. 
3. TikTok
TikTok isn't really a news or information source but so many people around the world use it every day that it has become a sort of information spot where people share celebrity news or government news or just share their opinions on topics. I use TikTok often so when I'm looking through it I usually find a good amount of information I didn't know before. I would recommend this source to people around my age because I know they use social media a lot. I would say this is a good source for finding different people's opinions on things. 
I usually use the New York Times as a source for my schoolwork. There are articles about almost everything on their website. It is also an accurate source that many of my teachers and professors use for assignments so I know the information I'm getting from there is correct. If I'm writing a paper or presentation I will usually use this source to find quotes. I would recommend this source to people in school to help them with assignments. 
I use MSNBC as the news I watch on TV. If there's a big storm or some sort of natural disaster I will watch it on this source. When I was in the younger grades of school I would watch the news on MSNBC to see if we had a snow day or not. During the election, I also would watch the debates and the polls and anything regarding the election on this channel. I like watching this news channel because it is pretty liberal as well. I would recommend this source to any liberals who like to watch the news rather than read it or listen to it. 

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