Friday, April 28, 2023

Eight Values of Free Expression

Individual Self-Fulfillment:  

Individual self-fulfillment is free speech which can allow people to express their thoughts and feelings. With free speech, you can create your own identity and potentially find other people who think and feel like you as well. Free speech is important because everyone should have the right to say what they are thinking or feeling. In the United States, we have the right to speak out against our government or politicians or things we find wrong, like injustices. 

Social Media

We use social media platforms a lot. They are a good way to share what you are thinking and feeling. We use social media to show what we are doing, talk about issues, connect with people, see the news, and lots more. If we didn't have freedom of speech then we wouldn't be able to connect with people as well and show our true self. 

Real-Life Examples of Free Speech News

A big free speech debate was when Donald Trump was banned on Twitter for posting things that violated the company guidelines. He said that Twitter was silencing him and his followers because of the ban. He was banned because he was inciting violence and riots. Free speech does not protect violent or inciting violence speech. 

A court case that is going on currently is one about the rapper Young Thug and using violent lyrics in his music and if freedom of speech protects him for using that type of speech. Fox News says, "On Thursday, Reps. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., and Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., announced they would reintroduce the Restoring Artistic Protection Act, or RAP Act. The bill would protect artists from the use of their lyrics against them in criminal and civil proceedings, a practice that's more common in cases involving hip-hop artists." House Democrats are pushing for a new bill to make it illegal to use rappers' song lyrics against them in court. 

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