Thursday, March 23, 2023

Privacy Online and Offline

 Electronic Tattoos:

With new technology, there is now easy access to facial recognition. When we post on Facebook or other social media platforms it scans the people's faces in the photos and can say what their name is. After they show the name of the person you can also find personal documents and information on that person online. 

Police License Plate Scanning:

Military-grade surveillance equipment is making its way into small-town police departments. Mass surveillance is making it possible for police departments to get information on people. It would tell the police if you go to AA, church, not go to church, a therapist. They are using automatic license plate readers and taking data from every license plate. The government has hundreds of pictures of people going about their life. They know where you are going and who you are with.

Surveillance in Telephone Companies:

Telephone companies built surveillance into their networks. When you're talking on the phone someone could be listening. Like a hacker, government, or stalker. Apple and Whats App makes it very hard to wiretap. This makes government officials mad that tech companies have made encryptions to keep people from listening. They think it's the government's right to hear and see all of our conversations.

Questions to Ask:

  • How do these issues affect you? Your friends and family?

  • What should the government be doing about these issues?

  • What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

These issues affect me because I don't want anyone out in the world able to access pictures of me or where I go to school or what car I drive. I think it affects my friends and family the same way. No one wants their personal information available for anyone to see. The government needs to make some laws about protecting people's privacy. I think there are some apps or programs you can put on your devices to make it hard for people to access your information.

Final Post

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